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Issue #3

Answering to #2 (
That's what I was saying in the first issue. They don't use these [ brackets ] everywhere. They are used only for special injections like ads, sponsored content, or dynamic related articles. The article you referred to ( can be cleaned from these blocks safely – only the ones starting and ending with these brackets should be removed. The title will be untouched since it doesn't contain [ ].
Can you say it for sure? Of course, we can handle almost all cases but then, they may put inside these brackets some important content like headers. I thought that all the elements with class fakesidebar are not essential and deleted them. But then, I got an issue in which you told me that I lost header and this header was inside the block with this class So, I decided it's better just not to delete this block because important information can appear again in the article.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Apr 11, 2019