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Issue #2

Time is off by 10 hours.

There are three different places where you can find publication dates on this site: UTC+5 with 0TZ [1], UTC with -5TZ [2] and UTC without TZ [3]. At least one of them is wrong. And who knows which is the real one? They have autoposting bot on social networks, so that doesn't help, too.

That's why we must use the time visible by the user. Checklist 6.1.2:
If conflicting dates are stored in multiple places on the source page, preference should be given to the time that is visible to the ordinary user who views the page in a browser.

Your template seems to use UTC+5 0TZ from the meta ([1]) AND +5TZ. That's two times wrong.

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
Deleted Account
I think it is always true putting article_published:time for @datetime
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Apr 19, 2019