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Issue #1

Wrong timezone. Telegram IV editor displays time in UTC time, however the article has a timezone of UTC+1, so in this case for example time displayed should be 4:00, not 5:00.
It's a problem because it implies that the timezone is not properly parsed, so people living in a timezone like UTC+6 will see a time which is off by 7 hours.
This can be fixed by using the @datetime function with +1 as its first parameter.
Bernie K.
But using UTC+1 would only be correct for articles published in winter. In summer Austria uses CEST instead of CET which is UTC+2. As the website doesn't publish the timezone, utc-time or iso 8601 anywhere and telegram cant defer the summertime from the date it is not possible to give all articles the correct timezone.

Because of this my template doesn't adjust for the timezone as doing so would only be correct half of the year. I believe doing nothing in such a situation is better than adjusting the timezone wrongly. Therefore I suggest that this should not be a valid issue.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 11, 2019