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Issue #1

<meta @property="og:image"> contains the same image but with better resolution. Since 180x180 cover is unacceptable for IV, this one must be used (it's possible to check whether it has the same id).

Also it seems the website uses "b" parameter for thumbnails, and "soc" for bigger images.
Accepted by admin
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1. These are 2 different images. In the original article, the image is cropped.
2. <meta property="og:image"> often in the content property рфы штмфдшв URL (error 404). Examples of such pages:,, Pages with invalid URL in meta tag with property "property=og:image" are the majority.
Accepted by admin
Different crop isn't critical in this case.
Critical is to generate IV with 180 px images in it.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 26, 2019