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Link Preview

Issue #2

In response to

The requested video is always described in the first entry of "playlist" array, if there is, and has a "mediaid" property containing url of the video:
playlist: [
title: "${encVidTitle}",
description: "",
cScontentId: "${}",
mediaid: "${}",
file: "",
For whatever reason the requested video is absent, this prop is not defined.
At the same time, the rest entries of the array do not have "mediaid" property, and always describe irrelevant videos that are being shown on every video page.

You blindly use the first entry, containing mp4-url, which doesn't even have "mediaid" prop.

Moreover, you've hardcoded /video path to be excluded. Do not ever do it this way. The url can contain GET-params or more. Coz It's a web, cross-site/SEO links are everywhere.
Pavel T.
Cause it's web, no one regular user will enter ?vid=1 or ?vid=asdasdasd and share it in TG just to check your or my IV.
Use a links which are availible by direct clicking, not address bar cheating.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 23, 2019