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Nueva Constitución: la «sombrilla» que guarecerá el futuro de Cuba"
La Habana, 31 ene (ACN) Más de 1 922 000 ejemplares del tabloide con el texto de la nueva Constitución de la República de Cuba ha adquirido la población, a solo 23 días de que el Grupo Empresarial Correos de Cuba comenzara su distribución.

Issue #1

cover is mising
Mikhail Burkasov
6.2.2 Cover images
It is obligatory to use a cover image:

If the image is present on the page and described in the source as “featured-img”, “cover”, “lead_img”, “main_image”, etc.

In this article's code, there are no cues about the nature of the first picture, so it should stay in the body.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 6, 2019