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Hasta 50 años de prisión para asesino de mujer en balneario: TSJ
La Fiscalía realiza las investigaciones tras el hallazgo del cuerpo en un balneario de Tequisquiapan.

Issue #1

The author "Rubí Mendoza" is inside a div with class "hide", which is defined by the foundation css. See: and That is: "...In less obvious cases, what the user sees when viewing the original article in an ordinary browser has <b>priority</b> over invisible meta-information..." (Clarification 6.1 Author name)... and still in this part: "...Author name is required only if it is presented in the source article in a clear way (at the top of the page, at the <b>very end of the text</b>, in the meta tags etc.), especially if there's a name of an actual person... (Clarification 6.1 Author name).
Accepted by admin
Reporter's template handles this case better
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 10, 2017