Issue #3
- Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
- This widget not in article, this widget Read Also. This context article and this widget and him discribe
- Declined by admin
- We agree with the author. This block is leading the reader into further analysis on the topic, but this article seems concluded with the paragraph that comes before the widget.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Jun 11, 2017
And it isn't marked in any way to be distinguishable as article-related or unrelated. This seems to be a purpose of using such an embedding system.
Which is:
Widgets on this site are embedded via proprietary API service. Every widget looks like this in the source (though not in devtools, of cource):
<a class="integration" role="widget" href=""></a>
As you can see, it's defined with article's category and an unique widget ID.
So, it can't be filtered.
It can be only whitelisted, which is not going to work for such uniquie IDs.
Admins, please, note this for any further related cases, unless there's any evidence of opposite.