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Issue #2
Why add dividers here?
- Abdulrahman Rabie
- Hi
this website is using the same div to set side text with images
here no text so image only separated
- Accepted by admin
- It seems the template has a lot of issues with its <hr>. It's possible to check a node's childs and siblings to avoid such situations
- Abdulrahman Rabie
- Hi Admin
Actually I know and I can fix this easily but consider that
First this image is already a side text not in the middle of the article directly
Second for the <hr> it is ok to seperate the text box from both sides even if the text above it is empty
Third I still didn't get answer here :D
- Accepted by admin
- Type of issue
- Rudimentary content not removed
- Reported
- Apr 24, 2019