The Instant View Editor uses a three-column layout, so you really want to use it on a desktop screen that's wide enough. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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بالصور.. محافظ البحيرة تُشارك العاملين بمنظومة النظافة الإفطار السنوى
نظم مجلس مدينة دمنهور بمحافظة البحيرة، اليوم الأربعاء، حفل إفطار للعاملين بمنظومة النظافة بنادى ألعاب دمنهور.   وحضر حفل الإفطار ...

Issue #1

Caption for pictures is presented as separate paragraphs (more precisely, it is not represented at all, the author missed this moment), so it may appear that this text does not refer to the pictures.

This template handles in better:
This is an ordinary paragraph. Captions of the images look different. (See the cover)

Compare with the paragraph above images, there is no difference, except that the paragraph is under the image.

Did you combine the two paragraphs? But this is incorrect :)
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 17, 2017