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Ο Ρέτσος κάνει «μαγικά» α λα Κριστιάνο Ρονάλντο (video)
H Λεβερκούζεν επικράτησε 4-2 της Βέρντερ Βρέμης στην παράταση και προκρίθηκε στα ημιτελικά του DFB-Pokal, με τον Παναγιώτη Ρέτσο να περνά στη θέση του

Issue #3

On the pages of this site is not difficult to identify the author. Yes, it is part of the content but can be identified.

For example, this is well implemented in this template:

This is found on a large number of pages and is not difficult.
Obviously, the author of the article is added manually by the editor. It has a various format: inside brackets, using a colon and so on. It's a regular paragraph, there is no way to identify the author. The only way is to use regex and identify braces or comma. I think it's not correct, and it will not be a reason to decline my template.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 12, 2019