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Αυτός είναι ο δολοφόνος του Σταματιάδη – Οι φωτογραφίες του αγριογούρουνου που ξετύλιξαν το κουβάρι
Συνελήφθη ένας εκ των τριών δολοφόνων του Αλέξανδρου Σταματιάδη Οι φωτογραφίες με το αγριογούρουνο που οδήγησαν στη σύλληψη Η δολοφονία του Αλέξανδρου
Συνελήφθη ένας εκ των τριών δολοφόνων του Αλέξανδρου Σταματιάδη Οι φωτογραφίες με το αγριογούρουνο που οδήγησαν στη σύλληψη Η δολοφονία του Αλέξανδρου

Issue #1
There're larger photo on the original page.
- Алексей
- Bad move to find issues 60 seconds before the end.
Our goal is to make good templates, but you waited more than a day in third place to create this error in 60 seconds.
Many of your templates won, but have issues, just because competitors didn't have time to find them.
Fast checking
Second image takes regular paragraph as a caption
Rudementary element not removed. <span class="nota-procedencia">TIJUANA, Baja California(GH)</span>
is not part of article. At least it should be different from the article body, as in original page.
Congrats btw.
There is an issue for this domain to decline Pavel's template.
- Accepted by admin
- Алексей
- Creating this appeal to provide an issue to admin to decline winning template. I think it was unfair to send issue 1 minute before the end. I have no time to create an issue in an answer.
Missing cover
- Accepted by admin
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Feb 16, 2019