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Android Kenya
Google is retiring the Google Play Top Developer program
All's well that comes to an end. For Google's Top Developer program, on its Google Play platform, the end is nigh. Look at these screenshots below: Do you see that blue badge right next to the app developer's
All's well that comes to an end. For Google's Top Developer program, on its Google Play platform, the end is nigh. Look at these screenshots below: Do you see that blue badge right next to the app developer's
Issue #1
- Максим³
- It is the same as in the original web page. And even if this is error, it just makes no sense to fix ALL the "errors" left by website owners. It's just better to display it as is. Furthermore, fixing these errors can lead to loss of the content order.
This issue and the one you linked are completely different. There are no HTML errors on problem I've posted on your template, it's just your fault that you didn't pull off <table> out of <p>
┬━┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
- Accepted by admin
- In this case it's better to place related block at the end of IV
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Mar 17, 2019
same problem as in my case
this site has html errors in some articles.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻