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Issue #5

Paragraphs in the blockquote are combined
Accepted by admin
Formatting should be preserved
Unknown Error
Excuse me, but what is not formatted? On the original page, this block is in the <blockquote> tag. I agree that there may not be enough line breaks, but it's more of a IV generator problem that glues all the paragraphs inside a <blockquote>. Specifically, yes, my template is not perfect. But look at the template of reporter.
He has exactly the same. And he submitted this report 10 minutes before the deadline for receiving applications specifically to displace me, so he knew that he had the same problem and specifically remained silent until the last moment. At least it would be dishonest to take his template as perfect and pay him a prize for it.
It's a shame to receive such reports when I worked on the template for several days and even unlike the rest of the template makers, images from the gallery are embedded directly into the article and not just a li
Accepted by admin
The problem is not that it is a blockquote, the problem is that you do not separate the paragraphs within it, there are no line breaks. The issue remains valid.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 19, 2017