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Setelah New Agya, Toyota siapkan Agya Kojo? - Otomotif ANTARA News
PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) pada bulan lalu mengeluarkan New Agya berdesain serba baru lengkap dengan dua pilihan mesin yaitu VVT-i 1.000 cc dan Dual VVT-i 1.200 cc guna memenuhi ...

Issue #1

missing date
otomotif.* domain articles have hard-to-parse date format and seems that not supported by telegram iv parser, althought "Jumat, 5 Mei 2017 16:22 WIB" part goes to datetime property. It is only one datetime source in whole page source
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
May 24, 2017