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Issue #1

This is a full article that does not require signup to access any hidden content.
Deleted Account
I wrote a letter to about this issue (and all before:,, create a template for or not. If they agree that the template should be generated, I will recreate the template containing the rules for

If the contest administrators reject the current template earlier, so be it, you can create a template that includes rules for articles on
Accepted by admin
1) Yes, some articles contain forms requiring sign up to access extra content. Although, other articles, such as this one, contain forms that are in fact general calls to sign up ("Subscribe to Insights – Sign up to be notified when new posts are published").

Cases like this article do not require interaction with such forms to view essential content. If we just discard all articles containing forms, we'll leave a lot of valuable content without IV.

In theory, the template can treat such forms in a different manner depending on whether "Subscribe" "Sign up" substrings are found (and if yes, remove the forms and generate IV, if not, skip IV).

2) Regarding wrapping audio in <video> tags, we do not recommend this, as it does not actually work with the IV on mobile.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Jun 6, 2017