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Sleep No More
CREATIVE TIME is a venerable nonprofit arts organization that is literally forty-one years old, so if Friday night’s Fall Ball sleepover felt like a Sweet Sixteen party planned by an overanxious momma, we’re not being mean, just insensitive. We arrived at Neuehouse a little before 10 PM, or two hours after start time. The party would go until 8 the next morning. Dinner was over and beginning again; salmon and salad and wild rice, exactly right for the art world’s pre–South Beach diet, were served in quantities larger than the crowd. Yet around the corner, a line was winding up for red beans and

Issue #3

One author is missing.

(Previous issue was for old (2011) article, I'm sorry for that. That's why I post this one through it is the same issue)
Declined by admin
Even 2014 is ancient lore.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 25, 2019