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“Club 57: Film, Performance, and Art in the East Village, 1978–1983”
AND “Club 57: Lost Flyers 1979–83,” Alden Projects™, New YorkNEW YORK’S rising rents and the proliferation of sterilized boxes (stores, condos, restaurants) promising this or that lifestyle impels a nostalgia for the grittier, anything-goes city of the late 1970s and early ’80s. Evidence of this sentimental retrospection can be found everywhere—in popular blogs like Vanishing New York, restaurants boasting bullet-hole ridden walls, television dramas like The Deuce and Vinyl, and think-pieces that longingly recount the era’s notorious squalor.The Museum of Modern Art’s exhibition “Club 57: Film,
AND “Club 57: Lost Flyers 1979–83,” Alden Projects™, New YorkNEW YORK’S rising rents and the proliferation of sterilized boxes (stores, condos, restaurants) promising this or that lifestyle impels a nostalgia for the grittier, anything-goes city of the late 1970s and early ’80s. Evidence of this sentimental retrospection can be found everywhere—in popular blogs like Vanishing New York, restaurants boasting bullet-hole ridden walls, television dramas like The Deuce and Vinyl, and think-pieces that longingly recount the era’s notorious squalor.The Museum of Modern Art’s exhibition “Club 57: Film,

Issue #7
- Сергей С
- It seems even ld+json is not reliable place to extract author. Many pages contain rudiment text in this field.
"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Mabel O. Wilson talks with Julian Rose"}
Since most of the pages contain footer with author name it's better to leave it there.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Apr 27, 2019
"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Jane Ursula Harris"}