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Marvel’s Black Panther
Black Panther (issues 1 and 2) by Ta-Nehisi Coates (writer) and Brian Stelfreeze (artist), with Laura Martin (color artist). New York: Marvel, 2016. 36 and 28 pages, respectively.THIS WAKANDA looks a lot like Dubai to me. The African kingdom is, we are told, “the most technologically advanced society on the globe,” and yet in the new edition of Marvel’s Black Panther, the imperial guard is still using spears—albeit ones that also discharge some kind of electric ray. Likewise, hologram-projecting beads just don’t inspire the sense of awesomeness and wonder one might reasonably expect from

Issue #8

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On PC I see dash both in the source and IV.
On Mac I see dash in the source but not in your comment and not in IV.
Seems it would be acceptable to leave it as is.
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Rudimentary content not removed
Apr 27, 2019