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Link Preview

Issue #2

Rudiments must be removed
This is a navigation that my template doesn't handle.

It's absolutely not possible to check every single article, because there are A LOT of custom elements on this site.

My IV ruleset already consists of 600+ lines, and... question for admins, what should I do? Do I really need to go through almost all articles and try to make a proper IV for them? I had been working on this template for 15+ hours and for now I feel my template supports like 95% of articles. At least every single page from "difficult links" list.
Declined by admin
Accepted by admin
The contest goal is to support as many pages as possible. Since the template generate IV for this page, it must be properly formatted and rudimentary content must be removed.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 23, 2019