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Las 25 mejores películas de anime. Pt. 2
Estas cintas que recopilamos son un claro ejemplo de lo que Japón ha hecho por su cuenta, apelando y no al público occidental, y que han marcado la historia no sólo de la animación, sino de la cinematografía en general. Desde cuentos de ensueño, pasando por acción feudal y drama de fantasía, estas cintas han dejado un importante legado que nadie debe perderse.

Issue #1

wrong author
Rodrigo Vieira
This content has been added within a paragraph in the text editor of the person who wrote the article and is a link to a twitter profile, ie, there is no such link as a standard in all articles, only in that one. If you check the HTML you will see that it is inside the main content: //div[has-class("post-text") as a link from within an element (<p><strong><a>Por: Pamela Lima...) and there is also no attribute to specify it. If you go down in the footer you will see a div with the class "author-name" which is "Guest Contributors" translating. IV does not perform miracles. Check: and
See other links that do not have this raw paragraph:,, ...
Declined by admin
Rodrigo is correct. If you check the source, Rodrigo choose the correct author.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 13, 2017