The Instant View Editor uses a three-column layout, so you really want to use it on a desktop screen that's wide enough. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Что такое венчурное инвестирование простыми словами?
Венчурное инвестирование – это один из видов инвестирования, который подразумевает под собой инвестирование в новый бизнес. Под новым бизнесом, мы по....

Issue #5

Blank could be removed.
Deleted Account
The author in the middle of the text may also use the empty p tags to create spaces.(This is common in the WordPress editor.) Removing such cases is interfering with the content of the text writer and it's not cool at all.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 7, 2019