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China's Plan for World Domination in AI Isn't So Crazy After All
Xu Li’s software scans more faces than maybe any on earth. He has the Chinese police to thank.
Xu Li’s software scans more faces than maybe any on earth. He has the Chinese police to thank.
Issue #2
- f_akmal
- Hi, I believe this issue was raised due to the absence of author's name in the IV.
It seems that this issue is related to the wrongly formatted meta tag in the original page. This error is only related to this particular page. I am not able to make a change without affecting other valid pages as well.
Let me know if you think this can be tackled differently.
- Accepted by admin
- Content is missing (unsupported video). Should not be generated
- Type of issue
- Submitted via the Previews bot
- Reported
- Aug 15, 2017