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Play On Series Two
Play On is back for Series Two, with Australia’s best electronic artists and classical musicians combining lush orchestration with stirring beats. The likes of Brooke Powers and Millú will be playing between Bach and Tchaikovsky instrumentations.

Issue #1

You missed the end time clearly.
Tip: If start date&time and end date&time exactly are equal and both have 00:00 you can remove 00:00 but the end time is important for this case and should be preserved.

See the original:

The end time is visible in the original but you removed that in your template. So the IV user don't see this essential information.
Thus you should fix it.
Everything is fine, 00:00 is the end of the current day, and in my template it is shown correctly - from 19:00 to end of day. But your template has logic error - "00:00" is earlier than
"19:00". It is wrong, time in this world goes forward and not back.
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 29, 2019