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Нов провален опит на "Евроинс" да купи гръцкия застраховател Credit Agricole Life
Отказът на регулатора е заради неустойчив бизнес модел, а от компанията нарекоха аргументацията му непрофесионална

Issue #1

1. Image must be formatted as cover. It's easy to identify.
2. Credits should be formatted using <cite>.
First, why should be cover?

According to the checklist:
"It is obligatory to use a cover image:
If the image is present on the page and described in the source as “featured-img”, “cover”, “lead_img”, “main_image”, etc."

I only see the block with class "bigPhotoGal" and id "storyGal1". For example here:
I see even three blocks with class "bigPhotoGal", should I use the first Gal, or second or shouldn't use it because of the slideshow? "Gal" doesn't refer to anything, I hope you see it.

Second, How should I identify they are credits or not? Really, it is just a div block, with a span. Of course, I can set it as a cite but then on another page, it will not be a cite. I've already wrapped it into <b> as it was in the source "font-weight: bold;", but I don't see any reliable thing to identify it as a cite.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 17, 2019