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Issue #2

IV for the glossary must be generated
Accepted by admin
Deleted Account
Hey @admin? Is it joke?
This is service area and it's not even article.

Checklist says...
6.5.2 Service areas
Non-article pages are strictly optional, unless there’s interactive content – in which case they must not generate IVs. This includes Terms of Service, Privacy Policies, About sections, Contacts sections and special “Print” versions of articles.

I know you guys have a lot of issue waiting for approval
But this is unfair to just reject winning template due to this kind of issues
Accepted by admin
Service areas are dedicated to the website itself. This is a glossary article. From "guide" category. Guides, wiki pages and such articles are suitable fro IV and must generate it
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Mar 22, 2019