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Fitbit has a new health tracker, but you can only get it through your employer or insurer
The new Fitbit Inspire is only for employees and health insurance members who are Fitbit customers.
The new Fitbit Inspire is only for employees and health insurance members who are Fitbit customers.

Issue #9
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Feb 10, 2019
But if we're considering not removing it from the article body, then:
in the generated IV there is an img and link below it. BUT the img itself is a link, because it's a preview to the video that you can watch if you click on the link.
Also the time in the image caption should be omitted because:
- it is not a caption (what does it describe?)
- it is not a media credit (not a person, organization, etc)
- it's not absolute, sometimes it's "3 hours ago"
P.S. Video I refer is not part of the article.
Take a closer look:
- there is a "WATCH:" block which refers to related article.
- the anchor of this block is "Fitbit CEO ON smartwatches and earnings"
- look at the title of the video: "Fitbit CEO ON smartwatches and earnings"
In this particular case subjects of the articles is very alike and it may be confusing for you.
But if you visit other articles (e.g.