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Link Preview
The Ten Best R-Rated Comic Book Movies (According to Our Readers)
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'Wait! Didn't they just do this?!'And we did. One [...]

Issue #1

When several image resolutions are available, the IV page should use better quality images
This image html:
<img class="size-thumbnail wp-image-46110 alignleft" alt="Wesley Snipes as Blade" src="" width="150" height="150">

As you can see there's only one URL available, no high-res.

While it's possible to omit "-150x150" part of URL, and for this exact article that gives working link to full-res, I'm not going to do it since it's not possible to check with IV tools whether or not it's working link to image or 404 — better to garaunteed have an IV, than use hacky unstable solution.
Declined by admin
Kindly resubmit the similar issue but for more recent articles, not from 2013
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 16, 2019