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Link Preview

Issue #1

Infographic is ureadable.

Since there is many such pages (

Link to the image should and can be preserved by following conditions:

1) Title contain "(Infographic)"
2) Since size attributes available, using xpath we can query only images where
height / width >= 2 (tall image)

Here is quick example:

@set_attr(href, ./../@href): $body//img[(@height div @width)>2]
Anton S.
I know that it's not difficult, but for this site, it's utterly useless, they re-upload images on their website and by doing this resize them consistently.
This image in height is 1106 pixels, It will fit in portrait on any modern display in its entirety without even need to zoom... And all infographics on this site are treated the same.
But I've fixed it as the rules seem to not mention anything about the minimum size.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 22, 2019