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VIDEO : La fille du milliardaire Babacar Ngom en mode videogirl pour un célèbre artiste nigérian
VIDEO : La fille du milliardaire Babacar Ngom en mode videogirl pour un célèbre artiste nigérian

Issue #1

It seems these titles are always duplicated in this site. It's possible to check it by IV tools. One of them must be removed for better IV experience
Accepted by admin:
Grigory Korepanov
In the variant where the administrator agreed, it is always easy to recognize this text, as it is h1 tag. In this case, this is the paragraph
Declined by admin
Well, at least we tried to improve the site by removing duplicated <h1>. But, as Rodrigo said, this text may be formatted differently.

Another example, that isn't supported by the reporter's template:

I decline the issue, since there's no template that handles these duplicates perfectly.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 30, 2019