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RTV Slovenija in kulturno marksistična propaganda
V zadnjem času sem opazil, kako javni servis RTV Slovenija pod rubrike ''razno''  in ''uredniški izbor'' vztrajno vsiljuje članke, ki že v naslov...

Issue #3

Duplicate of just to explain further.

References can be easily recognised and parsed because of the unique href format they use: "#_ftnref" and id "_ftn" which are followed by reference number, to connect them.

Some articles both newer and older are heavy in references, and we should support them.

Check my template, it's possible to parse them easily.
Sherali Rysbekov
I am copying my response from previous issue:
The only thing I found in docs regarding reference is:
"<reference> with the attribute name that contains the reference name"
Checklist says nothing about it. I thus suppose it is not said anywhere that we should mark sources as reference, so I disagree with you
I cannot stress it enough: checklist does not mention any requirements on references
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 26, 2019