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Diario Popular
Por qué las mujeres deciden parar y marchar hoy
Contra la violencia de género, por la igualdad de derechos, a favor del aborto legal y gratuito y para eliminar la discriminación, las mujeres salen a las calles
Contra la violencia de género, por la igualdad de derechos, a favor del aborto legal y gratuito y para eliminar la discriminación, las mujeres salen a las calles

Issue #1
In the original view this link works perfectly. Check my template for an example
- Amin
- I've checked my template for this, it's not an issue of my template, look at this as the last line's output of my template for this link: as you see the <a> with its @href is there!
I think it's a bug inside IV engine itself.
- Declined by admin
- It's an issue with the source page, not with template.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Mar 8, 2019