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Issue #1

"langsamfood" is the blog name, not the author. This is understandable by the description of the blog "martina lang, gelernte köchin" (the actual author "martina lang") and by the site header (at top of page). A similar example "MY LITTLE VIENNA" at
as you can read in the blog description "Was so alles in meinem geliebten Wien passiert und über was die It-Girls gerade so sprechen, lest ihr auf "MY LITTLE VIENNA"."
Pavel T.
Yes, it's single person blog's name. There are 5 authors now in this section:
It's LJ- or Blogspot-like system and when it's impossible to extract real author's name, I prefer to use blog's name instead, because of reader should know whose blog posted this article.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Mar 19, 2019