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Фотогалерия: Световните снимки на деня - 31 май 2017 г.
Селекцията на "Световните снимки на деня" днес е на дежурния фоторепортер Юлия Лазарова.
Селекцията на "Световните снимки на деня" днес е на дежурния фоторепортер Юлия Лазарова.

Issue #2
Slideshow is used for navigation through gallery. You should either include the whole gallery info into the page or allow navigation through gallery pages via slideshow.
- Eaxon
- “«” and “»” buttons can be used for navigation. Anyway, I’m waiting for the admin’s decision.
- Accepted by admin
- Please check, it was updated.
According to the Checklist this page doesn't need slideshow.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Jun 10, 2017