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Issue #1

I think this is single slideshow. Thumbnails live in one <p> on source. Also these thumbnails not take so much space as these slideshows in your IV.
dootvhs 🎺
Those are comparison screenshots, they fit better when they are separate.

Also, quoting the rules:
"If there are several ordinary images/videos/GIFs following each other in the source, you may also convert them into a slideshow, but this is purely optional."

It's optional, but I did it this way for a reason I stated in the beginning of this comment, which is again: the title says it's about impressions and comparison screenshots, they look better if they are not joined together.

It's matching exact layout as on the original website too. Those breaks there are for a reason.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 22, 2019