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Issue #1

This is not an updated page, there is a date and it's static. This is photo news.

I agree that when there are a lot of photos, they are loaded dynamically, but where do you get how many of them? They can be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. In that case, we must to display the page.

Look at the example:

We can not lose all the pages, it will not be right. If there is a possibility to show a part of the pages for users, we should do it for them.

I strongly believe that.



You have supported this page until I sent you this issue:

After that, you decided to change tactics. You act very meanly.

No need to send me the same issue.
The page must not generate IV because the slideshow type is unsupported
Try this URL on your template and load the original page. There's 10 images and your only loads two. That's an issue you get for generating IV for unsupported content.

The content in the page is loaded as you scroll down. Such widgets/min-apps must be marked as unsupported.
It's true that I supported this widget. But I marked it as unsupported when I realized it's a mistake. Such pages must not generate IV simply because the infinity-slideshow plugin is not supported
Declined by admin
Agreed with creator.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Jun 19, 2017