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Grindeanu: Singurul lucru pe care nu-l accept - să fiu actor în spargerea PSD
Premierul Sorin Grindeanu susţine că nu îşi doreşte să fie "actor în spargerea Partidului Social Democrat". 

Issue #2

This two paragraphs shouldn't be mixed
Well, this isn't happening regularly, but in this scenario the summary gets merged with the first paragraph.

Indeed this is an issue, but isn't that bad. The summary is in bold text, so there is a visual separation. Also both paragraphs usually continue the same idea.

The sad part is that this is so easy to fix, I wished you could report it earlier.
Declined by admin
Agreed, it's not so critical. Looks fine.
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Jun 19, 2017