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Funcionarios de la Usach responden a decano que calificó de “ridícula” la huelga del 8M: “Habla desde un lugar de absoluto privilegio”
"Rechazamos el intervencionismo impertinente de dicha autoridad, su abuso de poder y su desconocimiento respecto a la historia de las luchas feministas y laborales", comentaron las organizaciones gremiales.

Issue #2

the site_name. It may be better
Accepted by admin
Site name must be "El Desconcierto" or ""
really? are you f*cking playing with us? we spent all our time for templates and then you reject them easily for minor mistakes?? I'm really tired and sick of this so-called contest!!
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 7, 2019