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El Sol de Toluca
Refuerzan seguridad en los alrededores de instalaciones de la UAEM
El robo en toda sus modalidades ha bajado en un 22 por ciento, asegura el alcalde Juan Rodolfo Sánchez Gómez

Issue #1

Header of related article missing
Азизбек Жонибеков
It's not clarified in the checklist so i'm confused af. In my previous template I didn't remove this headlines and unfortunately I had some problems with this headline texts.

For example in this article...
... if you leave this header texts you would face this type of problem

In addition it's not possible to merge this type of related links because it's not always at the same place.
Sometimes it's in the top of article, sometimes in the middle and etc.

So I think it's better to leave them without header texts.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 1, 2019