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آیا تابوت تشییع شده آیت الله هاشمی خالی بود؟ + تصاویر
اما اصل ماجرا جور دیگری است بررسی تصاویر نماز به پیکر آیت الله و بعد از آن در تشییع و در نهایت ورود تابوت به ضریح امام خمینی جزئیات جالب توجهی را فاش می کند.

Issue #2

These are image captions and should be formatted accordingly.

I'm resubmitting this issue because my template doesn't have rules for this particular page as admin who declined it said probably based on comment in my template. This comment was for my own needs. My template suits all pages with similar formatting.
Repeating the same issue! It is not clear in the main text. because there exist three <br> between the image and the text below. modifying the text formatting of the website is not the aim.
it has been rejected here:
Declined by admin
The source code of that original article does not show indicators that those are captions.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 16, 2017