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ویدئوی كمتر دیده شده از حضور رهبرانقلاب در مراسم تشییع شهید آوینی
ویدئوی كمتر دیده شده از حضور رهبرانقلاب در مراسم تشییع شهید آوینی منتشر شده است.

Issue #5

You're somewhy trying to add video file title to caption like in this page

But now you've added number 1 instead of filename... This is wrong and inconsistent.
the caption is right below the video. also the text and the video are in the same DIV which is a video container. I add it as a caption for the purpose of completeness. but generally it is not important to have a caption here and it is optional
Declined by admin
The "1" is also present in the source page. This is not critical.
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Jun 19, 2017