Issue #4
- Ehsan Dehghani
- it's gallery post
- if you check the title of this article you can see the word "تصاویر" that means "GALLERY"
these three sentences at top of article body are CONTENT
and we should convert this gallery photos to slide show (as checklist says)
checklist says "When the article consists entirely of a slideshow and there's NO OTHER CONTENT"
and these three sentences are contents other than photo galleries and we can not ignore them
that issue you mentioned here accepted because developer of that template doesn't answer your span issue
- Declined by admin
- The slideshow is optional in this case. (Several images appear in the article one after another.)
It was another situation with another website about a gallery, not an article.
- Type of issue
- Author added their own content
- Reported
- Jun 19, 2017
1. the photos are not in a gallery or slideshow in the main source.
2. this is a typical photo news page from the website. all photo news are aimed to show some photos as the main content. so when there is not any article body (except the description paragraph) we should not create a slideshow for it. please check the following issue and the admin's decision: