This falls under the category of advertisement and rudimentary content. It appears in every single page you parse. It also clutters the article with the icon taking up space and the ugly link randomly showing up in sections of the article. It's common sense, not the checklist that tells you that this should be removed. There's a part in "contents to be removed" that says "Etc", which refers to stuff like this that clutters the IV. It's up to the IV developer to use their logic, identify and remove these.
It is not third three app, this thier app, app author by this site, see url on app
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Jun 3, 2017
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It appears in every single page you parse.
It also clutters the article with the icon taking up space and the ugly link randomly showing up in sections of the article. It's common sense, not the checklist that tells you that this should be removed.
There's a part in "contents to be removed" that says "Etc", which refers to stuff like this that clutters the IV. It's up to the IV developer to use their logic, identify and remove these.