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Take system-wide approach to cutting transport emissions, says Aldersgate Group
A new report, published by the Aldersgate Group, sets out a series of policies aimed at delivering deep cuts in surface transport emissions.
A new report, published by the Aldersgate Group, sets out a series of policies aimed at delivering deep cuts in surface transport emissions.

Issue #1
Rudimentary <hr>. Also most popular articles in category aren't suitable for related block
- Accepted by admin
- in the checklist : "Other types of “More” links that are not suitable for the “Related articles” block should be removed, provided this is technically possible without endangering essential content. "
its not a more section,its most popular with the same tag that the each post has it .(related article section is a list that has the same content).
and there is a related tag section that i avoided using .
- Accepted by admin
- Type of issue
- Rudimentary content not removed
- Reported
- Mar 11, 2019