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Issue #1

Event date missing
First: you're showing __event__ date in original (range of dates in curret situations), and publication date in preview (but it's actually displayed at bottom of article in original). It's very missleading, don't you think?

Second: you're template does exactly the same thing. I decided not to append into article body, since it: 1) not in body of article (it's around tags); 2) doesn't change meaning of the text; 3) pretty much every article clearly says event date in text (second line of lead paragraph here); 4) It would require me to append some kind of exmplanation string from myself (two dates with links doesn't make much sense, huh?), which would qualify as content added by author (5. Extraneous content) and instantly take me out of contest.
Declined by admin
Reporter's template doesn't seem to handle this either.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 19, 2017