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Issue #5

Static page must generate IV, please admin check this article clearly there are no any unsupported element just table with betting info
Accepted by admin
Since the article is about forecast, betting table isn't essential and should be removed
Sardar Atabekov
Sardar Atabekov:
Good afternoon, admin. Cannot delete this block, as it contains important information on other pages. Deleting this block will result in data loss. Example (table): https: //
( I don't have access to a computer, I can't show much examples.)

Unable to delete this block.
And with this table it is impossible to generate this page in accordance with the context list. You can see that my opponent also did not delete this table, as this will lead to data loss on other pages. It is better not to generate a page than to generate pages without important content.
Accepted by admin
Blocks with betting links can be identified by <a data-role="gobet">
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Apr 12, 2019