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Link Preview

Issue #1

this links must wrap with related look other template it is possible
Den S.
I stopped supporting this type of links in my template, because of the new rules:

"There are cases when you must not use RelatedArticles:
1. Keep but don’t format as Related
Links that can’t be safely and reliably extracted from the article text."

And I think it is a right thing. It is a nightmare to support all type of these links. None of them have classes. Some of them are in a list, some are not. And the only identifiable thing - one word - has like 5 (or more) variations. Also it can be in <strong> or in plain text.

Something may break, either now or in the future.

Anyway, if this issues gets accepted, then, I assume, it will be valid to report all cases of related links like that from >2015. Although this site is 2 years old, let's think about it in an abstract way. I think if related articles are not consistently in the same block with a class/id or at least don't consistently have one (!) identifying word, then they shouldn't be taken care of.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 23, 2019