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Issue #4

Another thing regarding the description: note that even if we don't set it explicitly, ..after will pick up this same description.
It's the last fallback case, when there's no twitter, og tag nor article text, but it's there, hinting further that it should be set as a last resort when nothing else is available.
To achieve the empty description the other templates implemented after the reporting of the 1st issue regarding this, we have to set it to an empty string or remove the meta tag to prevent ..after from setting it. I think this feels like a hack because it is, and telegram doesn't expect the case of setting no description (unless no meta tag, no subtitle, no article text of course).
I guess it's why the previous issue was declined.

(sorry for the dummy issue)
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Apr 13, 2019