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Issue #3

"It's not possible to select certain words in the Telegram app IV. Emails must be properly formatted, so the user will be able to use them"
Yeah, I see that accepted issue, actually I reported a similar issue here

If we open this web page directly in browser and check the html code:

<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e2878c858e8b918aa28a898788cc818d8f"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="abcec5ccc7c2d8c3ebc3c0cec185c8c4c6">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>

that's why this href equals to "0" in IV ORIGINAL panel, not "mailto:".

We can handle it with maybe:

@set_attr(href, "./text()"): //a[@href="0"][contains(., "@")]
@replace("^", "mailto:"): $@/@href

Anyway, it's up to admin now, both this issue and that issue I reported get rejected or accepted, there won't be two results.
Declined by admin
This is an email protection (but only for the href) which cannot be circumvented but with hardcoding (which is NOT the goal of creating IV templates).

See also
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 18, 2019