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Issue #11

This a duplicate of which was declined, but to add screenshots as I think it depends on screen size (makes the point for avoiding tables) :
I can repeat for you:
They look correct in mobile app.
Declined by admin
In general, the way the IV editor handles <pic> is actually different than the way mobile IV handles <pic>.

In IV editor, <pic> dimensions will be resized down to fit the container width.

However, in mobile IV, <pic> will not downscale the images to fit width. So for instance, if you had a very wide <pic>, it'd actually go off the screen in mobile IV (which is why <pic> is for low res images / icons).

Regarding IV appearance, what is important is the mobile IV experience, since that is what users will actually see.

Hopefully this explanation clarifies more how <pic> works between IV editor and mobile IV.
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Apr 22, 2019